Management and valuation of information

Document processing

Through its recognized experience in managing all types of documents (textual, iconographic and multimedia), BvDIM provides document processing services and consultancy for physical and digital resources.

BvDIM can put immediately into place an operational team trained specifically to meet the client’s needs and expectations.

Examples of projects:

  • Administration and online publication of multimedia content, training and support for users
  • Indexing of scientific journals and supplying databases
  • Document analysis: cataloging, exemplarization, indexing and writing summaries of textual, iconographic and multimedia documents
  • Creation of computerized catalogs
  • Digitization and quality control of documentary holdings
  • Management and processing of documentary holdings with development of procedures and management tools
  • Development of documentary tools: indexing language, thesaurus, business vocabulary, ontology, lexicon, semantic network, classification plan


Bibliothèque des Arts Décoratifs
Retrospective cataloging service
Bibliothèque Kandinsky – Centre Pompidou
Preparation service for the digitization of its heritage collections
University libraries
Cataloging and indexing of documents in the Sudoc: monographs, periodicals, theses, plans, images…
Établissement de Communication et de Production Audiovisuelle de la Défense
Documentary processing (description, documentation and indexing) of photographs on the ECPAD website
Ecole nationale des ponts et chaussées
cataloging mission in the Sudoc of monographs for the Department of Documentation, Heritage and Archives of the Ecole des Ponts ParisTech
Etablissement public du parc et de la grande halle de la Villette
Management and indexing services for the EPPGHV’s digital media library
Etablissement public du musée du Louvre
Cataloging of collections of periodicals, sound documents and monographs
Syndicat interdépartemental pour l’assainissement de l’agglomération parisienne
Cataloguing and indexing of printed and digital documents within the SIAAP documentary software