Management and valuation of information

Our areas of expertise


Through its recognized experience in managing all types of documents (textual, iconographic and multimedia), BvDIM provides archival processing services and consultancy for physical and digital resources.

BvDIM can assist its client in the maintenance of archives ; the processing of funds of administrative, cultural, scientific and technical nature ; supervising the writing of inventories ; hybrid archiving missions (paper and electronic) ; the mapping of data and documents to archive ; preparing archives for outsourcing to a third-party archiver ; staff awareness of archiving ; supporting agents in archiving their files ; writing technical and functional specifications to outsource archive storage.

These services can be conducted according to outsourcing principles. For this, BvDIM immediately puts into place an operational team trained specifically to meet the client’s needs and expectations.

Examples of projects:

  • Archiving policy audit
  • Inventory of electronic archives
  • Assistance for the deployment of a mixed archiving system (physical and electronic)
  • Collection, analysis, and indexing of archives (textual, iconographic and multimedia documents)
  • Digitization and quality control of archive holdings
  • Management and processing of archive funds with development of procedures and management tools
  • Encoding and retroconversion of search instruments in XML EAD


Grand Paris Aménagement
Carrying out a study of the existing existing archives, help in drafting a CCTP prior to the outsourcing of the archives, support for changes in outsourcing
Agence nationale de sécurité du médicament et des produits de santé
Provision of file management and internal storage, loans, preparation for archiving and destruction of paper files
Ministère de la Culture – Direction régionale des affaires culturelles de Corse
Analysis of cadastral sources relating to the funerary heritage of Corsica
Musée de l’Armée
Classification and reconditioning of a part of the archives related to the entry notes of the Musée de l’Armée
Logélia Charente
Updating the backlog processing management table
Campus Condorcet
Processing of scientific archive holdings
Departmental archives
Processing of several archive holdings (AD14, AD27, AD91…), consulting and services with archives audit, process rules, training and inventory (AD77), quality control of digitization (AD13)
Centre national du cinéma et de l’image animée
Processing of classification commission files: proofing, classification, drafting of finding aid