We support the main phases of your projects

Strategic framework studies

Challenges for organizations

The strategic scoping study aims to specify the objectives of an information management project and its associated technologies. It defines the best technical, financial and organizational options, analyzes and measures the expected benefits with the impacts and risk factors which are all prerequisites for decision-making by governance.

Our expertise

In this context, the consultants at BvDIM carry out:

  • Audits and strategic studies
  • Qualitative and quantitative surveys
  • Opportunity and functional, technical, organizational and financial feasibility studies
  • Expressions and specifications of needs and constraints
  • Definition of scenarios and business models


Study on a state of the art of initiatives and avenues for collaborative platform devices in SHS with shared computing and machine learning
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Study of uses of the CORRECT experimental platform (Collective Correction and Enrichment of Texts) to correct and enrich documents scanned with OCR using a crowdsourcing approach
Ministère de l’Enseignement supérieur, de la Recherche et de l’Innovation
Study on the national policy of support for the acquisition of research documentation intended to support the establishment of the national documentary system CollEx
Orange Labs
Market study relating to Automatic Natural Language Processing in Europe
Direction de l’information légale et administrative
Benchmark studies
Direction générale de la traduction – Commission européenne
Mapping of multilingual best practices in European companies with recommendations based on case studies
Centre international de l’International Standard Serial Number
Support in development of the strategic plan with the definition of a new economic model for the ISSN system taking into account the expansion of digital technologies
Agence bibliographique de l’enseignement supérieur
Study on the results of retrospective conversion operations carried out in the Sudoc (collective catalog of higher education libraries) to guide funding decisions