Isabelle Castagné


Isabelle Castagné is a scientific information manager at BvDIM. She joined the team of analysts at Bureau van Dijk in 1996 to perform analyzes of scientific documents for various pharmaceutical companies and state agencies.

As a scientific documentalist in charge of monitoring, she provides scientific and technical information research services for private and public actors. It is mainly involved in the following areas:

  • Bibliographic research and analysis of scientific and technical literature,
  • Identification and reporting of pharmacovigilance cases published in the medical literature,
  • Documentary research, sector monitoring by therapeutic area,
  • Drafting of toxicology files on plant materials and chemical ingredients for the cosmetics industry.
  • Writing bibliographic records for scientific publishers.

Professional background

Isabelle Castagné has a DEA in Physical Chemistry from the University of Pau and Pays de l’Adour.