Director at BvDIM, Mélanie Vervoitte-Caillon is a consultant project manager specializing in documentary services. She has been involved in Bureau van Dijk since 2000 in audits, reorganization of documentary processes and change management. As such, it conducts surveys to analyze needs. She has carried out several project management assistance missions, including functional exploratory studies, studies for the migration of library catalogs and studies relating to barcode equipment for books.
She also leads the teams of librarians, documentalists and archivists at BvDIM who work on document management, cataloguing, indexing and digitization missions with public or private organizations. She has a good knowledge of the dematerialization and document digitization markets as well as electronic document processing technologies (SIGB, DAM, etc.).
Professional background
Mélanie Vervoitte-Caillon is a graduate of Panthéon Assas University (Paris II) with a Masters in Economic and Social Administration, option administration and business management.